Spexigon Coverage & Types

Four types of Spexigons cover open urban areas for capture:

  1. Valuable: These Spexigons will cover the entirety of an open region. The first pilot to successfully upload a verified imagery set from a Spexigon will get rewarded.

Where - Areas within an open region for capture

Rewards - Varying depending on network requirements

Refresh Rates - Spexigons with more demand will be refreshed more frequently

  • Standard refresh rates: Up to 4x per year

  • On-demand refresh rates: Up to 1x per day depending on customer needs

  1. Reserved: These Spexigons have been reserved by eligible pilots that wish to capture them based on their preference. Reservations are only available to pilots with good reputation scores and ratings. Pilots who do not capture their reserved Spexigons within the allotted amount of time will de deducted reputation score.

Where - Areas within an open region for capture

Rewards - Varying depending on network requirements

  1. Locked: These Spexigons have recently been successfully captured by a pilot who uploaded verified imagery. They are not available for rewards.

  2. Awaiting Submission: These Spexigons have recently been captured by a pilot, but are still awaiting verified imagery to be uploaded. They are still available for rewards as the first pilot to upload verified imagery will get rewarded.

Last updated